Team WOD (2 Persons): 1: 3min plank hold + 5/10 kg 2: 3000 kg squat Cleans 3: 33 med ball…
Strength: Front Squats (5×5 mit steigendem Gewicht) Fun: Medball Weitstoßen (sitzend, Rücken an Wand, 6/3kg) WOD: 10-1 T2B, dazwischen immer…
Hero WOD: Daniel (scale as needed) – 50x Pullups – Run 400m – 21x Thruster – Run 800m – 21x…
Strength: For 10 min on the minute 3x Hang Squat Clean (as heavy as possible) WOD: 21-15-9 Deadlift (100/60kg), 400m…
Strength: 20min to find 1RM Press and 3RM Push Press WOD: 3 Rounds – 8x Muscle Ups (16x Dips, 16x…
Strength: Back Squat (Wendler) WOD: 12-9-6 – Thruster (60kg) – Weighted Pullups (16/8kg)
Strength: Shoulder Press (6×3 bei 75%) + Split Jerk WOD: 10min Leiter 3-6-9… -weighted Step Ups (30/20kg auf 60/50cm) -Sit…
Special: Kipping Technique WOD: 1) Tabata Pullups 2) Tabata Toes to Bar 3) Tabata Hollow Rock Holds
Strength: Back Squat (Wendler) WOD: 15min AMRAP – 50x Squats – 10x C2B Pullups – 10x Hang Clean (60/40kg)
WOD1: CMAR 3 WOD2: 100 PushUps, if you make a break do 5xPullups (Elite use weight vest)