WOD: 19.12.2013

Dresdner Battle of Christmas
WOD1: Skills
Handstand Hold (2sec) 1P, Handstand Walk (5m) 2P, Handstand Walk (10m) 3P
Rope Climb 1P
Legless Rope Climb 2P
L-Sit Rope Climb 3P
1 Pistol each leg 1P
5 Pistols each leg 2P
10 Pistols each leg 3P

WOD2: lift heavy things
8min AMRAP
15x Burpees
5x Deadlift (60/80/100/120kg… increasing weight, women 40/50/60kg…

WOD 3: I love CrossFit
12min AMRAP
– 10x Shoulder to Overhead (50/30kg)
– 15x Pullups
– 20x Toes to Bar
– 25x Wall Balls

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