Skill: Vorbereitung aufs Workout WOD: 100x Double Unders, dann 5 Runden – 10x Deadlift (70/40kg) – 10x Front Squat (70/40kg)…
Strength: Snatch WOD: 10-1 Thruster (42,5/30kg), 1-10 Boxjumps (60/50cm)
Dresdner Battle of Christmas WOD1: Skills Handstand Hold (2sec) 1P, Handstand Walk (5m) 2P, Handstand Walk (10m) 3P Rope Climb…
Strength: Front Squats WOD: 7 Runden: 10 Front Squats (60/40kg) -> ca. 50% 1RM 10 Kettlebell Swings (24/16kg) 10 Sit…
Strength: weighted Pull Ups WOD: 12min AMRAP: 10 Lunge Steps mit 45/30kg Front Rack 10 Push Ups 20 Double Unders
Strength: Power Clean WOD: 10-1 Deadlifts (90/60kg); nach jedem Satz 5 Pull Ups + 5 Push Ups (10-5-5;9-5-5…)
Strength: Back-Squats 3×5 (90% vom 5RM) WOD: 100x Toes to Bar wenn Hände Stange verlassen, dann 10x Front-Squats (50/30kg)
Strength: Ring Dips WOD: 15min: EMOM 10 Burpees
Strength: Push Press 5-5-3-3-3-3 WOD: 10 Runden: 4 Push Press (50/30kg) 8 Boxjumps (60/50cm)
Strength: Power Snatch (2RM Touch and Go) WOD: Central Europe Throwdown WOD 2a 3 Runden: 10x Snatch (50/35kg) 15x Chest…