Strength: Back Squat (Wendler) WOD: 10-8-6-4-2 – Thruster 60/40kg – C2B Pullups – Wallballs
Strength: Front Squat, Warmup then 3×3 increasing weight WOD: For time 100x Thruster Men: 3/4 Bodyweight, Women: 1/2 Bodyweight
Strength: 10min EMOM: 3 C2B Pull Ups strict Skill: Kipping WOD: 5 Runden: -10 Pull Ups -15 Boxjumps (60/50cm) -100m…
Strength: Deadlift (Wendler) WOD: 21-15-9 – Power Clean (60/40kg) – Hand Release Pushups 50x Double Unders after each round
Strength: Press 4×1 WOD: EMOM for 15 minutes Alternating 1) 15x Deadlift (50/30kg) 2) 15x Burpees
Strength: Push Press (5RM + 1RM) WOD: -7 Hang-Power-Clean (42,5/30kg) -7 S2OH -7 Front Rack Lunge Steps Jedes mal wenn…
Strength:Weigted Pullups and Ring Dips (3×3), try to take minimum 10%of bodyweight WOD: 10min AMRAP -4x Toes to Bar –…
Skill: Rope Climb (legless, L-Sit) Strength: Power Clean 1RM WOD: 21-18-15-12-9 – Wall Balls – Sit Ups
Strength: Pause Back Squats 3×3 Heavy Load (3 sec. pause at the bottom) WOD: 10-9-8-…-3-2-1 Burpees 5x HSPU
Skill: Snatch Practise WOD: 30x Snatch for time (60/40kg)